Orientating Local Communities about Food, Nutrition, Health and Well Being is an integral part of our mission towards an End to Malnutrition, Hunger and Poverty. The Ofoodi Farmers Market Day Nutrition Programme is a concept initiated to empower the populace on Sustainable Nutrition, Healthy and Variety Eating, Healthy and Variety Planting and ways to Fight […]
Farmers Market Day (Food Africa)

A healthier Africa is achievable. We are a human population with the greatest potentials in the world. We need to preserve and enhance our human capacity for development. Food is secure in our land, our healths are flourishing. We have a positive mind set to take on the World! #orientingfoodinternational #SustainableNutrition #FoodSecurity #HumanDevelopment #Humanitarian #HealthyNotHungry […]
Vegetable Salads and Tomatoes

This is a good way to start the day or end the day. You can throw in some diced chicken breast or Tuna. You can serve with any protein of your choice. The dash of rocket leaves included gives a highly nutritious value to this meal. Other vegetables like onions and carrots can be included […]
Basmati Jollof Rice and Vegetables

Our Nutritious lunch idea is Basmati Jollof Rice Served with grilled Turkey,Cabbage and Vegetable carrots! Tomato is a very key ingredient here that enhances it’s nutritional value. The meal is supplemented with high vitamins and low cholesterol. For a high and extreme diet, you can eat a reasonable and healthy portion size! With any protein […]

Impacting our community. Visioned to Endmalnutrition, ZeroHunger, A Healthy LifeStyle and a Food Security Future! The 5th Of August,2017,9am. #OrientingFoodInternational #SustainableNutrition #ZeroHunger #HealthyNotHungry #Goal2 #Food #EndPoverty #EndHunger #Malnutrition #worldfoodprogramme #Nutritionawareness #HealthyLiving #HealthyMeals #Humanitarian #Nutrition #FoodSecurity #FeedDreams. Zerohunger sdg! Abuja, Nigeria!!! Bridging the Food and Nutritional gap in Gbagyi Apo Community! Healthy nation. Locally grown […]

Over 1000 people in Gurku Nassarawa State Nigeria experienced a new way of thinking about food. It was a community nutrition awareness program enlightening them on the types of healthy food and hygiene culture they needed to imbibe. They were thought how to include vegetables in their food, cook and preserve healthy meals, eat variety […]
Food Nuggets

What you eat affects the way your body grows and how healthy you will be physically,emotionally, psychologically and mentally. Our major nuggets absorb,digest and eliminate is the summary of the daily routine of your body. Why do you need to stay alive? You have something significant to fulfill on earth You have loved ones who […]
#HealthyNotHungry – Plantain Vegetables and Steamed Croacker Fish

This meal contains a staple that is different from the regular Rice-Potato-Wheat-Corn commonly cooked and eaten amongst most families in the world. My recipe and meal contains Unriped Boiled Plantain, Cut Fresh Spinach Vegetables, Steamed Croacker Fish in Tomato Sauce, Garnished with Bell Peppers and Onion Chops, Glaced with Fresh Lemon Fruit and Cucumber Chops. […]
#oFooDiFarmStories By Raji Olalekan Saiid

The passion farmers have cannot really be understood till you hear their experiences. Raji Olalekan Saiid is one of the prominent Young farmers in Ibadan Nigeria sharing his experiences. Sometimes all we want to do is change the world. At times like these we are mostly teenagers. Firing along on testosterone. Hardly listening to the […]
How to spot a bad yam
Choosing a very good yam can be a hard task sometimes. It’s usually a guessing game or just following your instincts approach. Some people really do well and choose very good ones. Few tips can be considered when trying to buy a good yam. Don’t necessarily go for the humongous looking ones. This doesn’t mean […]